Joysuites Nantong

Location of Joysuites Nantong

Joysuites Nantong is located in the business circle of Chongchuan district of Nantong, which is adjacent to the Harmony City shopping center, offering convenient access to the surrounding areas. It is also within walking distance from the Harmony City Shopping mall and the special cultural commercial street, Jiu Qu Hua Street. Joysuites Nantong is also easily accessibly by the different modes of transport, such as from the Nantong Rail Way Station.

Getting to Joysuites Nantong

From Shanghai Pudong International Airport:

By Taxi: It takes approximately about 2 hours and 10 minutes from Shanghai Pudong International Airport to the property by taxi and will cost RMB 620.

From Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport:

By Taxi: It takes approximately about an hour and 50 minutes from Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport to the property by taxi and will cost RMB 466.

From Nantong Xingdong International Airport:

By Taxi: It takes approximately about 25 minutes from Nantong Xingdong International Airport to the property by taxi which and cost RMB 49.

From Nantong Railway Station:

By Taxi : It takes approximately about 20 minutes from Nantong Railway Station to the property by taxi and will cost RMB 28.

From Nantong East Bus Station:

By Taxi: It takes approximately about 15 minutes from Nantong East Bus Station to the property by taxi and will cost RMB 19.

Nearest public transport from Joysuites Nantong

Bus No. 11/13/18/22/25/301/37/53/58/67/68/77: Yijiaqiao Station: It is 224 meters away from the property, and it takes 3-minutes to walk to the property.
Bus No.7/18/28/106/633:Engineering College Western Station: It is 118 meters away from the property, and it takes 2-minutes to walk to the property.
Bus No.53/106: Tianhong Apartment Station: It is 359 meters away from the property, and it takes 5-minutes to walk to the property.

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Nearby Apartment
1Room, 1Adult

1 child under 6 years stay free of charge when using existing beds and does not need to be included in this selection.
For separate beds (including extra bed setup), please indicate the number of additional older children or adults.

1 child under 2 years stay free of charge when using existing beds and does not need to be included in this selection.
For separate beds (including extra bed setup), please indicate the number of additional older children or adults.




